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The glory of Ukraine in the parody of Eurovision ?
1 answer
    Beyond any political bias or taking sides in the conflict on Ukrainian territory, I cannot ignore this madness that happens at ... thing is that society accepts this as right .......
commented in World
"Kalush Orchestra" - a successful musical formula or another example of political correctness?
2 answers
    After the Kalush Orchestra wins Eurovision, next year the competition will be hosted, as Oleg Psyuk says, by "a new ... scales. in a certain direction, or to a specific competitor....
asked in World
День Победы - 9 мая - what do you think?
0 answers
    Victory Day is a celebration of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. It was established by a ... Army puts an end to the bloodiest human conflict, too....
commented in World
Why does Meta (Facebook) allow appeals for violence?
4 answers
    Whatever the reason, do you consider it normal for social networks to officially allow calls for violence and hatred on any basis?...
commented in World
Is the Russian army attacking civilians in Ukraine?
7 answers
    Videos have started appearing on social media showing soldiers shooting at civilian cars or civilians. To what extent is this ... Russian plane from the video game Arma 3 ......
commented in World
The Wheel of Time - Tuon Paendrag possible cast? [poll]
2 answers
    1. Nyla Lueeth 2. Adut Akech 3. Kat Graham 4. Laura Harrier 5. Ashleigh Murray Share your opinion or just vote....
answered in TV Shows
Will there be an energy crisis in Europe?
0 answers
    Fuel prices are falling or normalizing, but in some countries there is constant talk of an energy crisis. Part of the ... exporter of natural gas, despite its dependence on it ......
commented in World
Why are people so vulnerable to online scams?
1 answer
    More and more people are falling victim to internet scams and their children to online bullying. Until 10 years ago, ... chat fall into depression, fear and even attempt suicide....
answered in World
Political correctness plagues Cleopatra of Gal Gadot?
2 answers
    Gal Gadot has revealed details about the film "Cleopatra" - in addition to starring, she is also involved in ... a relationship with Mark Anthony, which is devastating for both....
answered in Movies
Trump's social network - Truth Social. Are you ready? [poll]
2 answers
    The future social network of former US President Donald Trump has found a company for web hosting services. It is ... , Twitter and YouTube has been restricted. Do you approve?...
answered in World

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