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in TV Shows by True Commenter (4.2k points)

The WatchI came across this today. The Watch a fantasy police tv series inspired by the Ankh-Morpork City Watch from the Discworld series of fantasy novels by Terry Pratchett.

With a modern look, but I think the plot is quite different from the book. Does anyone have any impressions?

3 Answers

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by Questions Master (9.3k points)
I watched the first episode. Interesting plot solution, but very very poor selection of actors. Only Richard Dormer comes close to his true Sam Vimes character
by True Commenter (4.2k points)
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Corporal Littlebottom, Vetinari, Throat .... very disappointing
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by Questions Master (9.3k points)
As a fan of the series after 3 episodes, I am completely horrified. The whole storyline is grossly distorted. And the characters have become grotesque resemblances to those in the books...
by True Commenter (4.2k points)
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by True Commenter (3.5k points)

Unfortunately quite bad. Completely inappropriate choice of actors. They are very far from recreating the characters

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