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Recent questions tagged spoiler

Do R. Jutkins and the screenwriters kill The Wheel of Time (book spoilers) ?
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1 answer
    From 1 to 6 episodes of the adaptation the story line is almost completely redesigned. And this is understandable in ... that doesn't change the fact about the missing storyline....
asked Dec 16, 2021 in TV Shows by nevincho Questions Master (9.3k points)
Rafe Judkins' The Wheel of Time is the new Divine Comedy?
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2 answers
    After 30 years, someone finally mustered up the courage to film Jordan's saga. Fans all over the world waiting for the great ... - Lan Mandragoran TV Lan - some guy with a sword.....
asked Dec 4, 2021 in TV Shows by Lan True Commenter (4.2k points)
Why R. Judkins and the screenwriters continue to make fun of the Wheel of Time (SPOILER)?
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4 answers
    The first shot of Rand and Loial's meeting and as expected there is no surprise. Another character who bears no ... , he looks too much like a singer from Eastern Europe....
asked Dec 2, 2021 in TV Shows by Lan True Commenter (4.2k points)
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