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in IT by Questions Master (9.3k points)

"We will not do that, we apologize for being absolutists of free speech," Musk wrote.

The head of the American company "SpaceX" Elon Musk announced on Twitter that some governments, including the non-Ukrainian one, have requested that Russian information sources be blocked through the satellite communication service "Starlink", Reuters reported.

3 Answers

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That is, Starlink users will have access to Russian information sources no matter where in the world they are?
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by True Commenter (3.3k points)
Tomorrow you can wake up with another idea in your head and the ruble jumps :)
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by Category Chooser (1.1k points)
There have been attempts to drown out the signal a few days ago over Ukraine.
by Category Chooser (1.1k points)
0 0
Is this free for Ucraine?

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