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in World by Category Chooser (1.1k points)

Covid plandemia ...
Cyber ​​"attacks"...
Russia "attacks" Ukraine ...
Putin "controls" the elections in America ...
Aliens landed in Paris ...

And the worst thing is not the fake news, but the millions of people around the world who believe them.Sick human society has forgotten to pursue some imaginary of live stailes  to such an extent that it has literally forgotten how to think.

And they are ready to swallow any nonsense on the Internet just so they don't have to think. Things are so out of control that so-called fact checkers have even appeared. They set completely new and different standards for which news is fake and which is not.

Consumers trust them to such an extent that even for a moment they do not question what they have written or said.

Unfortunately, this leads to only one thing - the total stupidity of humanity. Which allows other more influential people to take advantage and control ...

At some point, sooner or later it will lead to total decline and ultimately have a devastating effect on all human evolution ....

by Cool Person (470 points)
0 0
People like to be lied to.

1 Answer

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by Category Chooser (1.1k points)
The attack on Ukraine on 16.02 failed. Now J. B announced that it will be in the next three days ....
by Questions Master (9.3k points)
0 0
Nothing new...

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