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in TV Shows by Questions Master (9.3k points)

Start new show The Wheel of Time based of R. Jordan`s novels. But will be good or not?

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Ethno-rave party with the traveling people ....WTF

3 Answers

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by True Commenter (3.5k points)
Who knows. They already replace one actor with another for season 2...
by Questions Master (9.3k points)
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Who will change? And which character?
by True Commenter (3.5k points)
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Dónal Finn To Play Mat Cauthon In Recasting On Amazon Series As Barney Harris Not Returning For Season 2
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I hope they have made sure at least the plot fits the books. Some of the actors don't fit the characters at all, but obviously we'll have to settle for that
by True Commenter (3.5k points)
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How do you think the actors correspond to the characters in the book?

by True Commenter (4.2k points)
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I hope will be. But how every one know directors and writers make changes all the time...
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by True Commenter (4.2k points)

So far 4 episodes this is probably the worst adaptation of a book after the Sword of Truth ....

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