in Raspberry Pi by

Now you have to install a server on the raspberry pi, the easiest is the Apache Server (Lighttpd also works if you are looking for something lighter) run the following commands to install Apache, PHP5, PHP5 mod for apache and MYSQL( if you are planning to use a CMS or a database.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5

now you should allow overrides by editing the 000-default file, you can do that using the following comands..

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default

now edit the following lines

change "AllowOverride None" -to "AllowOverride ALL".

now execute 

sudo service apache2 restart

to restart apache witht your new settings

now your site should be up and running u can go to /var/ and change the permissions on www, making it writable.

cd /var/
sudo chmod 777 /www

this will enable you to login using WINSCP and upload HTML pages to your new site. open the browser on your PC and point to 192.168.xx.xx (ip address of you raspberry pi) to view the default page.

You can also install and SQL server using the following comands, with a PHP and SQL running on your server u can have a CMs like Drupal running on it.

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql

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